Anatoly Marchenko Memorial Conference

eCampus University of Milan (Italy); Catholic University of Milan (Italy); Eur'ORBEM Laboratory of Sorbonne University (France); Sakharov Research Center at Vytautas Magnus University of Kaunas (Lithuania);Memorial Deutschland; Memorial France; Memorial Zukunft; Russia Christiana (Italy)

Call for papers: Anatoly Marchenko is world-famous Soviet dissident, political prisoner, who died in 1986 in Chistopol prison after a long hunger strike; the first winner of the Sakharov Prize of the European Parliament (awarded posthumously in 1988); a man who became an example of honesty and courage for many; the author of the famous autobiographical books “My Testimony”, “From Tarusa to Chuna”, “To live like Everyone”, in which he left a frank and accurate testimony, a description of what he saw and lived in prisons and camps and on the outside. Paradoxically, while Marchenko's crucial role is universally recognized, his biography and works are still poorly studied. He has received insufficient attention from historians, philologists, literary critics and scholars working in other fields of the humanities. The first conference dedicated to Anatoly Marchenko has two main goals. The first is to bring together researchers who deal with Marchenko's legacy, his role in the history and literature of the 20th century, to understand the current state in different academic fields, to discuss existing and potential areas of research. The second goal is to draw attention to Marchenko's figure to attract new specialists and the wider public, to actualize his legacy in the contemporary context.

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