
Reading Russia

Reading Russia

Autore/i: AA.VV.

Editore: Ledizioni

Luogo: Milano

Anno: 2020

The second volume of "Reading Russia" considers the evolution of reading during the long nineteenth century (1800-1917), particularly in relation to the emergence of new narrative and current affairs publications: novels, on the one hand, and daily newspapers, weekly magazines and thick journals, on the other. The volume examines how economic and social transformations, technological progress and the development of the publishing industry taking place in Russia gradually led to a significant expansion of the reading public. At the same time, in part due to the influence of new literature reading policies in schools, there was a greater cultural standardisation of Russian society, which was partially opposed by new forms of poetic reading.
Download: www.lingue.unimi.it/extfiles/unimidire/182801/attachment/reading-russia-vol2-web.pdf